Friday, June 13, 2008


Hi Hal

I came to your group on Wed. May 31st with Elaine. I am Janice from Canada.

Thank you for awakening me to healing power that Jesus has intended for us to use for others. Your web site is very helpful and I am writing to tell you how astounded I was to read your experience. About 30 years ago I was invited to go to a Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship in another city. I was recently baptised in the Holy Spirit and had an idea of what to expect. I believed, but was uncomfortable with the emotionalism. That afternoon I tripped and hurt my back. I could barely get to the car. As we drove my back became stiffer and more painful. I thought I would not be able to get out of the car. I said to the Lord, "if you want me at this meeting you will have to fix my back." I felt a sensation of heat and the pain left although I wondered what would happen when I moved. When we arrived at the meeting I got out of the car and walked into the meeting with no pain whatsoever. As you see my experience is very similar to yours.

I believe the Lord is leading me to a ministery in our church (even though it is Baptist). I know two women who believe that we can heal in Jesus' Name and we already have a powerful prayer group. I will keep you posted

Thank you to you and Ginny for your gracious hospitality.

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